Suffering the Witch

A stinging indictment of American religiosity, SUFFERING THE WITCH brings Sharon Driscoll back to her dusty, Pentecostal hometown after an absence of 12 years. She has come to make peace with her past—or perhaps to destroy it. A vibrantly sexual figure against the backdrop of strip malls and storefront chapels, Sharon acts as a catalyst for hidden desires and buried secrets, unsettling the local pastor, his teenage nephew, and her own mother whose struggle to reconcile with Sharon leads to disaster.

Published by Oberon Books in Three Plays. Also available at The Drama Book Shop and Amazon. Read an excerpt.

“Lucid, corrosive, terrifying. Who’d have thought a witch story could still give us goosebumps?”
Le Soir
“A virulent indictment. An elemental metaphor for an America ready to kill its children to make its idea of the Good prevail.”
La Libre Belgique
“Burningly topical. Powerful.”
Le Vif/L’Express
“A virulent play. Electroshock for the audience. Essential.”
Le journal du mardi